She was born Mary Mackay, the
illegitimate daughter of the Scottish journalist, Charles Mackay, with a
maidservant, Elizabeth Mills, whom he eventually married after the death of his
first wife. Mary was educated abroad and first attempted to make her way as a
pianist, adopting the professional name of “Marie Corelli”. She continued to
use the name when she published her first novel in 1886, “A Romance of Two
Marie visited Exmoor at least
twice, staying at Combe Martin, which is the setting for her first
“The Treasure of Heaven” tells
the story of David Helmsley, who is said to be “one of the richest men in the
world.” Disillusioned by humanity in general, and by an avaricious young lady
in particular, the elderly David sets off to tramp the roads of the West
Country. After buying some suitably shabby clothes in Bristol , and with a copy of Keats’s poems in
his pocket, he wanders as far as the Quantocks. Between Watchet and Minehead,
he witnesses a little gypsy boy being run over by a motor car. The boy’s father
revenges himself by murdering the aristocratic driver of the vehicle, and
Helmsley, in an ecstatic delirium of distress, only too familiar to all Corelli
readers, rushes off into the countryside. Here, in the hills and woods above
Porlock Weir he collapses, but he is rescued by a kindly cottager, Mary Deane.
Eventually, Helmsley dies, after discovering in his simple life at “Weircombe”
the treasure of heaven of the title, and leaves his worldly wealth to Mary.
A cottage for Mary Deane? |
What dreadful tosh it is!
Corelli’s books would not be so awful if it was not for her force-ten style of
melodramatic writing which is as breathless as it is tedious. She is the
mistress of hyperbolic repetition which can absorb pages and pages of the most
anorexic content. Storms are a vital tool in her stock-in trade. Here is David
Helmsley on the verge of collapse on the hills above Porlock Weir as he and the
Exmoor elements receive the Corelli treatment.
“…he had somehow found his way to
the summit of a rocky wooded height, from which he could survey the whole
troubled expanse of wild sky and wilder sea, - while just below him the hills
were split asunder into a huge cleft, or “coombe”, running straight down to the
lip of the ocean, with rampant foliage hanging about it on either side in
lavish garlands of green, and big boulders piled up about it, from whose smooth
surfaces the rain swept off in sleety sheets, leaving them shining like polished
silver. What a wild Paradise was here
disclosed! – what a matchless picture, called into shape and colour with all
the forceful ease and perfection of Nature’s handiwork! No glimpse of human
habitation was anywhere visible; man seemed to have found no dwelling here;
there was nothing – nothing, but Earth the Beautiful, and her Lover the Sea!
Over these twain the lightnings leaped, and the thunder played in the sanctuary
of heaven…”
Eventually you feel like putting
your hands over your ears, (or perhaps over your eyes,) and shouting out “Stop,
Marie! For God’s sake stop!” But she doesn’t. She just keeps crashing on amongst
the thunder, the lightning the rain, and so on, only pausing to strike a
ludicrous attitude, “What a wild Paradise was
here disclosed.” Notice the unnatural placing of “here” which emphasises the
pseudo-Biblical exclamation. Marie loves archaic posturing: “Split asunder” and
“Over these twain…” are typical. The exclamation mark and the ubiquitous dash
are her favourite punctuation, allowing her sentences to rush downhill until
you fear that they will never stop.
Eventually poor David collapses
under the weight of Marie’s rhetoric. “He involuntarily threw up his arms as a
drowning man might do among great waves overwhelming him, - and so went down –
down! – into silence and unconsciousness.” Well, the reader knows how he feels,
but fortunately the saintly Mary Deane is on hand to scrape us up and carry
David, and his cute dog, Charlie, off to paradise on earth in her cottage at
Bossington Hill from Porlock Weir |
We set out from the car park
opposite the Ship Inn to walk through the country which had inspired Corelli’s
great melodrama. We walked up the lane past the “Café”, a less than imaginative
renaming of the eatery which used to be the posh nosh “Andrews on the Weir”,
and turned right at the top. After a short walk along the road we took the path
to the left signed “Yearnor
Bridge ”. The narrow path
climbs steeply, and is not for the halt and the lame, as by the time you reach
Pittcombe Head at the top, you will have climbed the best part of fourteen
hundred feet, having started literally from sea level. The first section is the
steepest, and eventually levels out when you turn right on to a broad track past
hollies, oaks, and sweet chestnuts through which the sea is always with you.
We emerged on to the Worthy Toll Road
above Yearnor Mill, and turned left, continuing up the road until we followed
the sign to Pitt Farm. The work on restoring the old farmhouse is almost
finished, and we followed the path round the back of the property before
climbing very steeply again through a conifer plantation where we discovered some amazing toadstools.
With a strong
northerly wind blowing, the air was crystal clear, and we could look into Wales on the
other side of the channel and see three successive ridges of mountains. Sadly,
we could see also three massive wind farms spinning futilely away, generating
exorbitantly expensive electricity to ease the social conscience of Notting
Hill Man. Our rather basic camera was unable to reproduce all of this magical
view, but I promise you that it is there if you are high enough and the wind is
in the right quarter.
Hawkcombe |
There is no cairn or flag when
you finally emerge on to the main A39 road at Pittcombe Head, only a traditional AA ‘phone box to mark the summit which is beginning to look as if it has
known better days, days when the AA repaired your car rather than tried to flog
you investments and life insurance. We crossed the road and walked along the
track over the common until, just before it met the Porlock-Exford road, we saw
on the other side of the road the post which marks the head of Hawkcombe.
Looking up Hawkcombe |
We once began a walk here which
is described on our “Exmoor Pubs & Walks” site. It saves paying for parking
in Porlock Weir, but beware of making the climb to Pittcombe Head and the car
after drinking two pints each of Otter Bitter in the Ship Inn as we did. Still,
from the post it was downhill all the way, or most of it, and Hawkcombe is a
lovely place. There are often wild ponies grazing here, and the path begins as
just a defile between the hills before it dives into the woods and follows a stream
running towards the sea.
Where you have to ford the
stream, a track is signposted to Shillett Combe. We took this track but shortly
afterwards turned right uphill while the more obvious route runs back up a
combe parallel to the way we had come already. Our track climbed up out of the
woods towards the A39 main road, and eventually we were rewarded with a
marvellous view over towards Selworthy with its signature white church.
By sticking quite closely to the
right-hand margin of the heathland, we kept on the correct path which took us
back down towards West Porlock . Eventually we
fell into the road just outside Porlock Weir which we regained past thatched
cottages, any of which might have belonged to Mary Dean in “The Treasure of
Heaven”. One had a remarkable door.
We were spoilt for choice as far
as our tea was concerned. “The Café” promised all-day fish and chips but not a
cream tea as far as we could see, and Millers at the Anchor looked a bit posh,
and so we plumped for the “Captain’s Table”. The Captain, however, had sailed
next door to the Ship Inn, and it was there we went to place our order.
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